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MFA Thesis 2019

Wrapped in a deceptively cute package, Pip is a speculative cell phone charger that helps you take enforced breaks from your screen. When a user puts their phone in Pip's charging dock, the device activates a one-hour timer which locks the phone screen. If the user tries to retrieve their phone before the hour is up, Pip delivers a little shock. The more you reach, the more shocking Pip becomes.

Unlike the way my other thesis projects explored how the smartphone serves as a facilitator of integrated physical and digital experiences, Pip investigates how to intervene in the physical and mental aspects of teen relationships with their devices. Looking at the smartphone as a barrier to adolescents engaging with the real-world due to their physical attachment to the object, Pip seeks to playfully remove the phone from the equation.


Speculative Design

Physical Prototyping


Ad Campaign

Branding & Ad Campaign

The Ad campaign for Pip instigates opportunities for users to engage outside of their screens by utilizing different avenues and mediums. Whether it be during the morning coffee routine talking to a stranger on the plane, or pausing for written reflection, Pip could be a chance to put the phone down, expand beyond the digital world, and connect to oneself and others in different ways.


Thesis Presentation_V11.001.jpeg

Average Screen Media Use per Day


of adolescents

own a smartphone


hrs / day

average screen media time

Opportunity Statement

How might we help adolescents decrease their screen time? 

Core Users

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Tech Addiction

Adolescents with Tech (Internet, Smartphone, etc.) Addition issues

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Adolescents (ages 10-24) with a smartphone

Sketches & Prototyping

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